Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We Meet Our Midwife!

We had our first meeting with Carol Hutson today.  She is a certified midwife here in town.  She's been helping moms birth babies for 30 years!  She's never had an emergency transfer, never lost a baby and never lost a mom.  She is extremely knowledgeable and I felt comfortable with her right away.  She spent two hours with us on this appointment and gave us lots of information to read and things to think about.  I started a folder to keep all our info organized!  She also has an AMAZING lending library of birth books and materials I can check out!  Can't wait to delve into it!

One of our biggest questions for her was if there were any other options besides hospital births and home births here in town... And the answer, Nope.  But the more we discussed it, the more sure we felt that we were making the right decision to have Carol help us have an amazing Home Birth!!!

I feel very confident that I want to have this baby completely naturally and I feel that we have the best chance to have the empowering, uplifting natural birth we want for this baby in the comfort of our own home!  I could write about this for AGES... so I'll just leave it at that for today!    So excited about Carol and McMuffin!

First Appointment Stats:
Blood Pressure: 119/80
Pulse: 79
Weight: 138.8

Monday, September 26, 2011

5 weeks

How far along? 5 weeks
Trimester: 1
Days to Go: 245
Baby size: .13 inches, the size of an apple seed or a sesame seed
Baby weight: less than .04 oz
Total weight gain: about 2-4 pounds depending on bloat and water weight! ugh!
Maternity clothes? not yet, but soon if i keep this weight gain up!
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: Good, so far
Best moment this week: telling our families and closest friends!
Have you told family and friends: Yes, just our closest! We've been so lucky to get to tell many of our bffs ON their birthdays!  We told Cat, Logan, and Diana all on their birthdays, and April was super close to her birthday too!
Miss anything? Nothing too much yet.  So far it's all totally worth it!
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: white cake!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: a little, but I think it's just really water-weight
Gender prediction: NO CLUE!  I think a little girl would be SO fun, especially since Luke's family was all boys, but of course, happy and healthy is all we want!
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off?  on!
Happy or Moody most of the time:  happy!
Weekly Wisdom:  learning more everyday, but nothing to share
Current Reads: The Bradley Method: Husband Coached Childbirth
Looking forward to: everything! Showing, feeling the baby kick, telling everyone!
On the "Honey Do" list: READ BOOKS!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Telling my mom and dad, who have yet to pick out Grandparent names!

Am I REALLY preggo???

Yup.... these say yes too! haha!

So.... I did a lot of research on fun ways to tell my family... But the more research I did, the sadder I got that I wouldn't be able to tell them in person!  So, against all common sense, we spent way over a thousand dollars to buy two plane tickets for the following week!

Originally I wanted to try to surprise them all, including my little sister Caitlin, so I messaged one of her college friends/roommates to see if she had any plans to go home that weekend.  I asked her to keep it a secret, but little did I know, Caitlin was standing right behind her when she got the message and so my surprise was thwarted from the very beginning! haha!  In the end, Luke and I decided it would be better to let Caitlin in on the secret so that she could pick us up from the airport! She did a marvelous job keeping it a secret from mom and dad and Mama Sue (my grandma) and our uncle, who all live at my parents house.

Our flight was leaving from Dallas at 5am on Saturday morning, so we ended up having to make the 3 hour drive to Dallas on Friday night AFTER a late football game!  We were so sleepy, and by the time we got to the DFW airport, it was 3am and we slept in some uncomfortable chairs for an hour or so while we waited on the terminals to open.  We finally boarded and got some sleep on the plane, until our layover in Charlotte, NC, which was frustrating, since that's where my sister is in school, but we had to continue on to  Greensboro, which was closer to my parent's house at least!  Caitlin and her boyfriend Colin picked us up at the airport around 10am and we made the drive home, which seemed to take forever!!!

Of course, when we got there, dad and Mama Sue had left to run an errand, so we were forced to wait even LONGER to tell them!  Mom had just gotten out of the shower and was still in her room, so Caitlin went in and told her "Mom, I TOLD you to be ready to go to lunch when we got back!" and mom comes out in her towel and sees ME standing there!  It was such a good surprise! hahaha!

Then we had to wait on Dad and Mama Sue to get back and they finally showed up and saw us! We had to  make sure Mama Sue didn't have a heart attack from the surprise of us being there! It was so fun.  Finally, Luke went up and got their gifts, and brought them down to us all, sitting around the kitchen table.

I thought I was going to bust at the seams....  I was so excited!

From then on out, we just had so much fun!  We could only stay for 24 hours, so we had to pack a lot of fun into those few hours we had!  Dad went to the store and bought me another white cake with white icing, and this one said "Baby" on it!  It was even in yellow frosting, exactly like the one I had picked out to share with Luke's family!

They were soo excited for us! Dad especially.  He want's to be called Papaw, and mom wants them to be "Moppy and Poppy" but Dad doesn't like that! hahaha.  They're going to have to figure it out by summer!

We had to leave around 10am the next day, so it was a short and sweet visit, but so so fun and worthwhile!

Oh and Happy Birthday to my friend Cat!  I'm so happy I was able to tell you our news while you opened your Birthday present, even though it wasn't on the actual day! ;)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Telling Mimi and Pepaw

I went to Target and bought a bunch of cute stuff to assist in the telling of our families...

Luke called his parents today to invite them over for dinner one night this week.  We said it could be tonight, Wednesday or Thursday, and that I would be making a big dinner and so we just thought they could come help us eat it.  They agreed to come tonight (ahh!) but then Luke and I realized we needed to have put the stuff in the crockpot earlier this morning for that big dinner to be ready in 3 hours! Haha!

So we thought maybe we could order a pizza or something and that once they heard the news, it wouldn't matter that I hadn't actually cooked, BUT THEN... we found out that Mark was going to be running late, but that Kim would go ahead and come over at 6pm on her own.  This threw a wrench in our plans because if she saw A) the pizza, or B) no crockpot going, she'd know something was up! So I flew to the grocery store at 5pm and got all the stuff to do a quick chili and got home and started dinner just as Kim arrived!  Luke wasn't even home yet, so I had to attempt to make awkward small talk with my mother-in-law, all while trying to keep this humongous elephant in the room quiet, and make sure she didn't get in the fridge to accidentally see this cake I bought... (I'd been craving cake!) lol  It was white cake with white icing and it said "and Baby makes 3!" on it! So sweet!

Luke got home shortly thereafter and they chit-chatted for a bit.  I was grateful to be cooking to give my fidgety hands something to do, and Luke said he was glad to not be cooking, because he never would have gotten anything made!

FINALLY, Mark arrived and Luke had them both sit down on the couch and we handed them the box....

  They were sooo happy and excited!  Kim screamed when she realized what she was holding! I wish I had gotten a video because it was perfect!  Over dinner, they told us they'd been buying grand baby stuff for years!  It was really sweet!  Now comes the hard part of trying to keep this a secret till mid-November!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

4 Weeks Belly Pics

Bye bye pre-baby body!!!  I hope to see you again someday!!!  

At 4 weeks, McMuffin is the size of a poppy seed!  Soo teeny!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Day Our Lives Changed Forever!

Wait, so what does that say?  It says no, right???  What?  It says YES!?!?  Yeah I know we were "trying" but I didn't think it would happen so fast!!!  1st try.... wow!  Just call me Fertile Myrtle! LOL!

I honestly was prepared to be disappointed... I just knew that stick would say "no" so certainly that when I first saw it said yes, I was in total shock!  I'm so glad we decided to wait til Saturday morning to test!  We could have tested this past Thursday but I didn't want to test and then have to go to school, regardless of the news, so we decided to wait! And what a Saturday it ended up being!

After finding out the news, we went to Books a Million and bought these:

We've got a lot of reading and preparations to make! Ooooohhh baby!

For dinner, we decided to go to Carino's to celebrate!

How far along? 3 weeks and 6 days!  Crazy to type that, since we just found out today!
Trimester: FIRST
Days to go: 253, approximately!
Baby size: less than .1 inches
Baby weight: less than .04 oz
Current weight: 136 (gah, I should've focused on losing those last 6 pounds!)
Maternity clothes? Wearing all my skinniest clothes as much as possible!!
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: I'm sure it'll be great, once I get my mind to turn off!
Best moment this week: Finding out with the love of my life that the best parts of me and the best parts of him have been joined together to make a new, tiny life... an incredible miracle!
Have you told family and friends:  Going to tell our families soon, and try to wait to tell everyone else.
Miss anything? Guess my drinking days are over! And sushi! But it's worth it!
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: none
Anything making you queasy or sick: haha no, not yet.
Have you started to show yet:  nope
Gender prediction: No clue!!!  So excited, either way!
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: very happy!
Weekly Wisdom:  haha got any to share? I can use all I can get!
Current Reads: lots of blogs, and any/all pregnancy books I can get ahold of!
Looking forward to: EVERYTHING! ahhh!
On the "To Do" or "Honey Do" list: wow... figure out a fun way to tell everyone!